Work has been progressing on the SS Replica with a view to getting through the IVA test. I let the owner do some of the initial strip down, he removed the head and tail lamps, windscreen and soft top as none of these parts were going to get through the test and I've blanked off the resulting holes in the body with a combination of carriage bolts, small screws and press studs as required. As the dashboard was covered in hazards I have stripped it of all protuberances, removed the aluminium panel, fabricated a new board with cut-outs for the gauges, headlamp switch and warning lamps, rewired the ignition to the original Jaguar steering column key switch and Friday got it to the first fit stage. I think it's come out ok. There's still quite a bit to do, new headlamps have been ordered and I'm having a friend help with making up mounting brackets, new side mirrors to mount in spare windscreen holes should be here Monday, new wing mounted indicators and side repeaters need to be sourced and there's work to do on the seats, door catches and the lamps around the rear end.