At the start of last week I was able to test drive to Sizaire-Berwick and the changes I'd made were fruitful, it pulled like a train. I even managed to get the charging system working by stripping down the regulator and cleaning the contacts. On Wednesday my friend Richard, through whom I got the job in the first place, collected the car and on Friday evening he was dropping it off with the owner. Unfortunately it wouldn't start, typical, but only because of the starter motor, they push started it and it kicked off just fine. This was fortunate as on Saturday Richard was invited to drive it in the 11th Sizaire Rally, based in the forests around Rambouillet (west of Paris). Other than a fuel pipe blockage, which was actually good news because it meant that the work I'd done to the Autovac had been a success, the car did everything that was asked of it. The photo, courtesy of Christian Hannebert-Sizaire, shows 10 cars that all sprung from the minds of Maurice & Georges Sizaire (the 23/46 is second from the left). The owner was pleased enough to send Richard back with another of their cars, a Sizaire Freres RI (6th from left), watch this space for more information on this particularly rare car.
