Determined to continue on this 'old workshop' theme the next delight in the saga is kind of an interim one. I moved out of San Luis Obispo, I had too many cars to live in town, and rented a place in the hot hills to the east of Santa Margarita. I had snow in the winter (twice) and it was 45º plus in the summer - which was April till October (pretty much). The real reason was the open fronted 2 bay barn that would let me make a start on what you might call my first customer's Jensen Healey. The other cars in the photo are my daily drivers, I didn't have a modern until quite a few years later. From left to right, 1962 Ford Galaxie 500XL, 1959 Hillman Husky, 1967 Triumph Spitfire, 1961 Austin Healey Sprite MkII. The brown and orange one on the right is the Jensen Healey. Funny story, that one was so rotten the customer bought another one to restore and I cut this one in half and took it to the dump. I later met a guy who was working in the docks on the East Coast of the US when these were being imported, he told me they were already rusting away from the salt when they were being unloaded. I just realised I missed something out, between the Spit fire and the Sprite, the sail boat is a 15' Chrysler Mutineer, really nice boat, sailed with no wind, turned on a dime, could seat three, better with two, sailable on your own, I wish I still had it. And everything else (except the Jensen Healey of course).
Open Day in 11 days, the countdown lingers on....