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Mustang windscreen palaver over

This Mustang came in a while ago, longer than I'd care to remember, for a few 'small' jobs. one of which was to replace the windcsreen seal. I decided to use a professional windscreen fitter, I removed the glass and rubber and a variety of sealants and got it ready for the fitting, the guy came and spent 3 hours working away at it but when I left it out in the rain the following day it leaked worse than before. I then found another fitter that said he could do it, had the experience, sounded good to go but then was unable to complete the task. Long story short, another couple of dead ends led me to decide to fit it myself (with a little help from YouTube). The glass with the new rubber went into the frame ok, getting the sealant down into the joint netween the rubber and the frame gave me a stiff neck but worked out well and the trim clips, that I'd adjusted for a bit of additonal adhesion, held the trim just fine. I'll be happy to see it away and I'm sure the owner will be glad to get it back.

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